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What will my child learn in Scouts BSA?

Scouts will focus on learning how to “live the Scout Law” through service, citizenship, and a fellowship with the outdoors. It is the purpose of our program for scouts to gain skills and knowledge that will help foster their sense of independence as they become leaders in their Troop, community, and beyond.

How is Scouts BSA structured?

Your scout will work to advance in rank and will also have an opportunity to earn merit badges. Ranks are the levels that a scout earns by completing specific skills requirements. The first rank that your scout will work towards is the Scout rank. Once that has been achieved, they will work towards the other six ranks, in order:


Tenderfoot                                         Star

Second Class                                     Life

First Class                                           Eagle


While working on rank, scouts will also have an opportunity to work on earning merit badges. Merit Badges represent achievements in areas of interest and are intended to teach life skills and allow Scouts to examine subjects to determine if they would like to further pursue them as a career or vocation. There are currently more than 135 merit badges. There are 14 specific merit badges that must be earned in order to achieve the rank of Eagle.


All rank and merit badge information can be found in the Scouts BSA handbook and online at:


What is a Patrol? Troop?

A patrol is typically 6-8 scouts of a common age or experience level who work together as a close team to accomplish goals. A troop is made-up of one or more patrols. Troop 424 is the first/only BSA troop in Marshfield for female Scouts.

What kind of time commitment should I expect?

  • Troop Meetings: We meet most Monday evenings 7:15pm-8:30pm (no holidays). Our meetings will usually take place at the Boys and Girls Club of Marshfield.

  • Patrol Leaders Council and Committee Meetings (for youth and adult leaders): One Monday a month from 6:15 - 7:00 pm, typically at the Boys and Girls Club of Marshfield.

  • Events/Outings: These will include camping, hiking, community service, and parades and ceremonies with opportunities to attend exclusive sporting events, overnights, outdoor and indoor adventures (rafting, canoe trips, skiing, climbing), and more  … we will have lots of fun!!

What is the cost?

  • Annual fee of $300 - collected annually in October. Most of the annual fee goes to Scouts BSA for insurance, admin, etc.   

  • Special events - organized through the Troop (e.g. Ski trips, rafting trips, sports tickets) 

  • Handbook (one-time cost):  $18 

  • Scout Uniform (one-time cost): Estimated costs below: 

            Uniform shirt - $30            Mayflower Council patch - $3

            Pants - $35-45*                 Cap – $18

            World Crest patch - $5    Shoulder Loops - $4

            Belt - $13                          Merit Badge Sash - $11

     The placement of these items is outlined in the scout handbook. The Troop         provides a neckerchief, slide, Troop numerals, patrol emblem, and tee shirt.         The Troop will purchase additional awards and badges as scouts earn them.        *Similar pants of other brands can be worn but must have belt loops

Where to buy?

Handbooks and uniforms can be purchased at:

Special Opportunity:

Camp Squanto – A week-long resident camp experience for Scouts in Plymouth, MA. (


A youth is eligible for registration if she is 11 years old, or currently in the fifth grade and registers on or after March 1st. In order for a youth to become a registered member of Troop 424, each family will need to complete the following steps:

  1. ​Complete the online Youth Application (and pay the National registration fee) by visiting the link:  Application Link

  2. Pay the Troop fee of $175 here:  Troop Fee

  3. Complete BSA Medical Form, including copy of youth’s medical card: Medical Form

  4. At least one parent/guardian must take the BSA’s online Youth Protection Training (“YPT”). The training takes approximately 90 minutes, but can be done in 15-20 minute sections. Completion Certificates must be printed and emailed to within 30 days of the youth joining.

  5. As soon as possible, purchase the uniform and handbook (see FAQ for more details)

Tips & Additional Information

  • Obtain the handbook and uniform ASAP.  

  • Review the handbook so you know what to expect throughout the year.

  • Familiarize yourself with (used for all calendar, advancement records, and communication). 

  • Participate in one of our Annual Fundraisers.

  • Be on the lookout for discounted and second-hand “gear”, including packs, sleeping bags, tents, LED lanterns, “mess kits”, etc.

  • Get involved!  We need help with fundraising, planning events, chaperones, etc.  Share an area of expertise (carpentry, fishing, etc.) as a Merit Badge Counselor.  Ideas for outings and activities are welcome!

Note: Per BSA rules, the use of alcohol and illicit drugs are banned from scouting activities. Please, no tobacco use in front of the Scouts.

Registration Checklist:


Medical Form

Registration Fee

YPT Training Certificate

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